Monday, June 30, 2008

The second character!

Here is our second character...

Name: Gordon Worthington Goldwin
Occupation: Novelist
Male: 42 yrs old
From: New York, New York by way of London England

STR: 10
DEX: 12
INT: 14
CON: 14
APP: 9
POW: 13
SIZ: 10
EDU: 18

Idea: 70
Luck: 65
Know: 90

HP: 12
Initial MP: 13

SAN: 65
Damage Bonus: none

Drive Automobile 40%
History 80%
Library Use 80%
Occult 30%
Oratory 60%
Psychology 40%
Read/Write English 90%
Read/Write German 40%
Read/Write Russian 40%
Spot Hidden 30%
Dodge [DEX] 24%


Anonymous said...


JonHook said...

Yeah! This blog has been "wooted"!